Insurance Work

If your main priority when making an insurance claim is to save costs, then you may be tempted to allow your insurer to select a repairer of their choice. If however, you are more concerned with the quality of repair, use of genuine parts and quality of service then it is always better to use an independent repairer. As an Independent Bodyshop we are not subject to the various constraints of an ‘approved’ or ‘appointed’ repairer.

Perfect Finish Bodyshop Limited deal with every UK based insurer as an independent and can offer you the very highest quality service and repair.

You have the legal right to choose your own repairer and are not obliged to use your insurance company’s appointed repairer.

This has been agreed between the Office of Fair Trading (OFT) and the Association of British Insurers (ABI). The only exception is when, for commercial reasons, it is a condition of the policy and written into the terms and conditions to which the policy holder has been made aware.

If another person was at fault and you wish to claim against their insurance company, then this is termed as ‘3rd party’.  The person at fault must submit the claim to their insurance company and supply you with their insurance details and a claim reference number.  We can liaise with the insurance company on your behalf, relieving you of the worries often associated with accident repairs.